Tuesday, December 27, 2011

A Journey Outside the Box

*****In no way is this intended to offend of defer anyone's faith*****
The following videos can be used to gain insight on the subject at hand, pin pointing views openly expressed and commonly believed among people of all colors, religious back grounds, and  other affiliations. 

The Most-Known representation
 In my spiritual quest, I could never deny the comfort I found in popular  images presented to be Christ .

With revelation and plenty of God's mercy I was led to seek how much influence does this  well-known image have of  who Jesus is have on believers. Is it by chance that the primary image used to represent Christ directly opposes characteristics of African decent or have I become color struck?

Color truly doesn't matter....YET I'd be a grave fool to say it didn't in this world. I'm guilty of idolatry. Looking for that one image to return and save the day.  I now  realize that seeing God in every creation on this planet is far more important than looking for it in one image and so my relationship with Christ is in major transition. I've spent a majority of my life waiting for one man under one image type to the point of anti-socialism and now I must  swallow all the pride gained and start seeing God in everyone I saw as cursed, which were primarily those who shared features like that of my own: Dark or brassed skin, broad nose and woolly or nappy hair.

 Sun Kissed made Good for modeling but the 
most feared representative

Could it be that discrimination toward these characteristics led to plaguing epidemics to rid the world of this common image not realizing that the rising Messiah may come from a poverty stricken place namely Africa? Florence may have never had the capacity to see beyond generational brainwash never realizing the rising Messiah may look EXACTLY as she does. When I look at the reality around me, there is no image more condemned or crucified than that of African origin. Perhaps it's a challenge to see beyond color, but for now I'm left at a cross roads. Judge reality or overdose on spiritual discernment & force fed images.

   At the end of the day....God's goodness to me remains..Truth is....He Lives in ALL colors so let the journey continue!